

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Salvaging Textiles

One can find interesting textiles at the Goodwill "bins," or "Outlet Store." They are priced by the pound, so one can pick up a good variety for experimenting.

I made a jacket of several salvaged textiles -- it was the centerpiece of a "performance art" project assigned by my painting teacher.

Jacket in linen and cottons from Hawaii and Central America

Detail of salvaged fabrics

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fabric Necklace Success

Last week's Activities session at the ADS was a success. Participants were all involved in some part of the necklace-making process:  fabric selection, bead rolling, felting wool for stuffing, and assembling a complete necklace. Hopefully, after a few more sessions, everyone will have a necklace in her own colors.

The "stuffing" here is minimal -- one pony bead per pouf...

Beads drying after having been lacquered

32" necklace in fabric and rolled paper beads, with wool stuffing

Experiment using knots rather than stuffing