

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fossils added to round blanket

The blanket I started two years ago is finished. (See Into The Woods 10-14-2012 and Pithy Circle 11-10-2012)

The yarn-hungry process of knitting a 5' diameter circle made the various colors accumulate in narrow bands which reminded me of layers of rock "telling" geological time. So the embellishments represent organisms from various parts of the fossil record:  agnathans, bryozoans, crinoids, gastropods, a shonisaurus, a dragonfly, a gingko leaf, a sea star, and a trace fossil. Mother turtle occupies the center of the circle.

circular blanket can also be worn as a shawl -- note armholes near turtle image

Shonisaurus may have been 50' long!

an Agnathan

a Crinoid

center of circular blanket embellished with turtle figure

Monday, September 8, 2014

Spring Term Watercolor, 5

Top view of assemblage for watercolor class final

Side view of assemblage

Assemblage representing feudal fortifications enclosing a broadcast tower

Adjoining assemblage for watercolor final -- figures in the sky stand for information dissemination via the internet

The whole class participated in placing the village's houses on the "internet" landscape

Again, the feudal castles which surround broadcast tower image

Spring Term Watercolor, 4

Bowl and dipper made by our friend Jerry

Gourd dipper from Clinton KY is paired with an alarm clock for "metaphors" assignment

Studies for metaphors assignment

Spring Term Watercolor, 3

Southwestern scene for "skies" assignment

Negative space painting assignments

Six-minute timed exercises on gesso-ed cardboard

Spring Term Watercolor, 2

Study for assignment on scale juxtaposition

Tiny buffalo herd passing through a grove of enormous dandelion plants

Composition studies for scale assignment

Stars over coast range campground

Spring Term Watercolor, 1

Peninsula Park Rose Garden

Storm over southeastern Utah

The Oregon coast near Bandon

Old growth forest scene

Summer Rug Progress

Finished two rugs and started a third this summer:

20" x 55"

20" x 42"

This one will likely be 2' x 4'