

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Kitchen rugs and musicians draft

Last month I made a composition draft for a painting of musicians -- it was to be part of the mask project. May not get to painting it for a while, so have documented it here.

The kitchen rug project begun last April has been coming along nicely -- almost have four rugs completed -- see below.

Still under construction

Monday, November 24, 2014

Whole Earth beings

More images from participatory Water Media mask assignment:

Whole Earth mask assignment

My art teacher invited me to submit a mask for her Water Media class. The project expanded! Soon there was a "whole earth" backdrop (which one viewer said looked like a "mask" of earth expanded to reveal what's really going on beneath the familiar facade). The submission became a participatory installation in which class members discussed controversial social and environmental topics, then mounted images on the backdrop.

"Earth" backdrop

This pair of images (see below) is more of a socially controversial topic than the other, environmentally themed ones