

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Show and Tell

Yarn lovers attend workshops, fiber festivals, and knit nights for various reasons. One is to simply find out who might have done something they hadn't thought of yet. Bringing completed projects to share is referred to as "show and tell."

The following might be typical offerings:

Pillow cover (13" x 13") -- Nantucket hooking on burlap. Made from various short lengths of over-dyed, re-spun wool yarn. ("Nantucket" means I used yarn in the hooking process, which traditionally required strips of fabric.)

Cotton rug (diameter 38") knitted on large needles to incorporate 4 - 5 yarns at a time, which enables mixing color. To get the 12 colors, I had to unravel parts of 48 different-colored cotton sweaters.  Petal shaping utilizes short-row technique.

Weft-faced mat (9" x 20") woven on a floor loom. This experiment involved unraveling bits of 15 wool sweaters. The warp (taken from a cotton sweater) can be seen in the knotted fringes.

Nantucket hooking on burlap using re-engineered yarn

Short-row rug in cotton, diameter 38"

Weft-faced mat in wool, cotton warp

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