

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Log Cabin Knitting

Let's say you have some square swatches of various sizes. They would make an interesting patchwork blanket if their dimensions were compatible.

Using "log cabin" knitting, a small square can be enlarged by picking up stitches along each edge and knitting a series of bordering strips.

In quilting, the log cabin motif often begins with a small red square to symbolize hearth and home being at the center of things.

How would that translate when knitting experimental swatches? Creativity itself as the central theme?

The borders of darker yarn give uniform size to random handspun swatches

Adding borders will unify these "mosaic knitting" swatches

The original 10" square  is having its bordering strips knit in order to match 18" square swatches

Layers of bordering strips were added to the central red squares to make these "log cabin" blocks

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