

Friday, April 13, 2012

Unravelled and Skeined

Stage Two went more quickly than expected:  After 90 minutes of unravelling two sweaters, I had 9 skeins averaging 4 ounces each. A piece of each was left intact for photographing.

Based on the time it took to de-seam and unravel the two sweaters, four ounces of yarn can be prepped and skeined in 20 minutes. If one adds travel, shopping, dyeing, washing, drying, and winding into center-pull balls, I reckon each skein requires about an hour of labor.

(This assumes applying dye in one pound batches. Will post time and cost information for dyeing later this month.)

Pieces of the two sweaters

Skeins average about four ounces each

The white yarn is going to yield more yardage, as it is thinner.

The skeining tool is called a niddy-noddy

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