

Monday, November 5, 2012


This blog began as a record of spinning and weaving projects, but nine months later it appears it will be about brain science AND fiberarts.

I don't want posts to be too wordy, though. (That is for the authors of the brain science books!) In posting I hope to take a "zinger" or two, add a dash of homemade art, and show the author and title of my source.

Today's entry:  For centuries we believed the adult brain was fixed and unchanging. Through a revolutionary discovery called neuroplasticity, we now know that the brain can change its own structure and function, even into old age.

Time to start learning the parts of the brain, and what they do!

Top view of brain showing two halves -- the four lobes shown in color above come in two sets, a left and a right

Dr. Doidge's book on neuroplasticity is full of stories of the brain rebuilding parts of itself

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