

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pithy Circle, Take Four

Last month, Elizabeth Zimmerman's Pithy Circular Blanket began its journey through my project queue.

It might have been a jacket, but I found the circular design leaves one's neck and tummy chilly.

So, I kept knitting, thinking it could be a floor-length coat. Trying it on squelched that notion. (It felt like wearing a tablecloth.)

One could unravel the sleeves and declare it a blanket...

Or:  Keep knitting until one has a seven-foot blanket, with sleeves. Add embroidered turtles, trilobites, chrinoids, and ginkos. It will be a good "canvas" for trying out graphical techniques.

When one just keeps knitting to see what will happen, it is hard to predict the result!

Experimental "coat" with partially done sleeves

The imagined "coat" turned out a bit wacky -- fortunately, a circle-shaped blanket will be quite useful around the house

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